Englische SMS Sprüche - Seite 17

Ø-Rating: 4.12
Bewertungen: 82
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Roses are red,
violetts are blue,
God made me beautiful,
but what happend to you?
Ø-Rating: 4.12
Bewertungen: 99
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If u want to be a hippi
put a flower on your pippi.
If u want to be a wife
cut your pippi with a knife.
If u want to be a man
show me what your pippi can!
Ø-Rating: 4.12
Bewertungen: 101
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I need only three things:
A teddy, the sun and you!
The sun for the day,
the teddy for the night
and you for all my time!
Ø-Rating: 4.12
Bewertungen: 43
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Living in a dream of u & me,
Isn't the way my life should be!
I don't want to cry a tear for u,
So forgive me, if I do,
But I have nothing,
If I haven't u!
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