Englische SMS Sprüche - Seite 26

Ø-Rating: 3.97
Bewertungen: 38
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Enjoy your life!
Always a magic moment,
every time a good time!
Ø-Rating: 3.97
Bewertungen: 74
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I don't know what to do,
cause I'm in love with you.
I should say this three words,
but I think it maybe hurts.
So I think of you,
someday I'll be true!
Ø-Rating: 3.97
Bewertungen: 193
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The shortest word I know is "I".
The sweetest is "love".
And the person i never forget is "you"!
Put them all together: I love you!
Ø-Rating: 3.97
Bewertungen: 173
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God gave wings to every angel he had,
but not to you, because he was afraid
of being left of the sweetest and nicest
angel he ever had!
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